Clarke County Hospital Receives Grant from Clarke Electric Cooperative
November 09, 2022
Clarke County Hospital Receives Grant From Clarke Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up
Clarke County Hospital (CCH) received a grant award of $3,070.83 from Clarke Electric Cooperative (CEC) on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The funding came from CEC’s Operation Round-up, a charitable giving program that receives donations from CEC customers when they approve to have their bill “rounded-up” to the nearest dollar.
The funding is dedicated to help pay for the purchase of equipment (called “wearables”) designed to protect ambulance drivers and EMS first responders during emergency responses where an active shooter may be present. The equipment will also include trauma packs designed to provide the EMS staff the ability to treat patients quickly.
Jason Gibbs, Manager of Member Services at CEC presented the donation to Brian Evans, CEO of CCH. Clarke Electric Cooperative has been a long-time supporter of Clarke County Hospital and has practiced ongoing philanthropy in Clarke County by supporting civic or community-based organizations that demonstrate a commitment to enhance the quality of life in south-central Iowa.