Community Health Needs Assessment

In December of 2023, Clarke County Hospital (CCH) launched the Clarke County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) survey to gather input from community members to better understand the health status and needs of the community. This process included the development of the CHNA Survey to gather statistical data of the community’s health status. The data was compiled into this report to offer insights necessary to lead the development of future strategic initiatives for Clarke County Hospital and other community organizations.

This was an independent CCH effort, supported by key stakeholders. The survey was promoted over an 8-week period (December 19, 2023 – February 20, 2024) to reach as many community members as possible. Social media was utilized for campaign awareness as well as community outreach by CCH and other key stakeholders. Community stakeholder groups also met with CCH staff and addressed, as well as discussed in detail, concerns related to Clarke County Community health needs. This report shows the findings of the CHNA and other related data.

The primary data presented in this report was gathered from CCH CHNA survey results. Additional data was provided by Iowa Cancer Registry, The Chartis Group and Key Stakeholder Groups – Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC), Community Care Coordination Group, and Spanish Speaking Community Group. 

2024 Clarke County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Report