What is LSVT BIG?
LSVT BIG is a specialized therapy designed for individuals with Parkinson’s disease or other neurological conditions to improve movement and regain a sense of normal physical function. It targets the slower and smaller movements or larger actions like walking or standing up. The therapy retrains patients to recognize their movements accurately and apply extra effort to achieve more natural, larger motions. LSVT BIG is effective in improving mobility and slowing Parkinson’s progression at all stages, including for those with advanced symptoms.
What Does LSVT BIG Improve?
LSVT BIG uses whole-body exercises built around the principle of “Think BIG!” to help patients re-learn how normal movement should feel. Research shows that this therapy improves walking speed, step size, arm swing, balance and core flexibility. Through repetitive practice, progressively challenging tasks and daily exercises, patients strengthen their ability to use these larger movements on a daily basis. The goal is to boost confidence, comfort, and independence while improving overall quality of life.
For more information on LSVT BIG, please call (641) 342-5340. Brett Hoffman, DPT is LSVT BIG certified and is now accepting new patients. If you think you would benefit from LSVT BIG therapy, talk with your primary care provider about a referral to see Brett.