Ear, Nose, and Throat Services
An otolaryngologist or ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) is a physician specializing in conditions that affect your ears, nose, throat, face and neck.
The following are some of the reasons why someone might need to see an ENT specialist:
- Conditions affecting the throat such as persistent sore throat, recurring strep throat, chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, difficulty swallowing, or vocal cord conditions.
- Conditions affecting the ears such as frequent ear infections, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, ruptured eardrums, tube dysfunction, hearing loss, or abnormal inner ear bone growths.
- Conditions affecting the nose such as chronic sinus pressure, nasal congestion, runny nose, severe allergies, deviated septum, nasal polyps or tumors, or nosebleeds.
- Conditions affect sleep such as snoring or sleep apnea.
If determined appropriate, our ENT can provide the following services in the Clinic setting:
- Ear wax removal
- Frenectomy (tongue tie)
- Myringotomy (ear tubes)
- Biopsies/excision of concerning areas
ENT surgery procedures at Clarke County Hospital include:
- Deviated Septum
- Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
- Myringotomy (ear tube)
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
Once you get a referral from your primary care provider, you’ll be scheduled a consultation appointment with your ENT. This happens in a clinic setting. Patients can expect to go through a physical examination, discuss medical history, and undergo any tests the ENT thinks are necessary. Once a diagnosis is determined he or she will discuss treatment options and decide what is best for you.
Dr. Rick Rinehart is a board-certified otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon (ENT) with over 20 years of experience in the field. Click here for more about Dr. Rinehart.